γ⌒) ))
      / ⊃__
   〃/ / ⌒  ⌒\  
  γ⌒)( ⌒)  (⌒) \ ∩⌒) 
 / _ノ :::⌒(__人__)⌒ 〃/ ノ
(  <|  |   |r┬(    / / ))  関・係・ないから ( \ ヽ \ _`ー‐'  /( ⌒)                / /         ___(⌒ヽ        /⌒  ⌒⊂_ ヽ (⌒ヽ∩/( ⌒)  (⌒) |(⌒ヽ  ヽ  ノ| :::⌒(__人__)⌒ ::| ⊂ `、   \ \    )┬-|   / /> ) ))   関係ないから
(( (⌒ )、 ヽ_ `ー‐’ ,/ / /
  \ \ /         
    ヽ_ ノ       (


ネタ元は山崎邦正のネタ – 関係ないから・・


  1. Torie: 2016 年 10 月 29 日 1:24 PM

    Put it this way: when it’s comes to handing out benefits, all we hear is “We in the black community!” or “We in the Hispanic community!” or fill in what other favored group or &#i2#0;commun8ty&28221; you want. But when it comes time to fork over cash to pay for it, then it’s all “Hey, hey now, We are ALL Americans!”

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